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🙌 Miami/Deerfield Theosophical Society ~ A congregational 501(c) (3) non-profit Celebrating 106 Years!

Classes are open to the public. We currently hold meetings at Thubten Kunga Ling (located in the Cove Shopping Plaza, in the teal colored building upstairs), at 201 S.E.15th Terrace, Suite 207, Deerfield Beach, FL. 33441, until such time as more people are interested in and dedicated to supporting a physical lodge of our own once again. Programs are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.


SUNday, March 23, 2025, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Embracing Dharma – Infusing Meaning into One’s Life”
with Janani Cleary

“Dharma” is a Sanskrit word that has a loaded meaning because it covers all aspects of a person’s life. A simple meaning is “doing the right thing no matter what the circumstances or challenges in life.” But in the vein of nothing is ever simple, how it is applied can be not only complex but also overwhelming. Further, most people do not care to focus on details when they are feeling challenged, but rather, the tendency is to look for the easy way out and deal with the consequences. This talk will focus on the common sense of following dharma and thereafter, reaping the long-term individual benefits of it.

As a yoga teacher in New York City, Janani’s discovery of Vedanta occurred quite by accident when she met Swami Chinmayananda and was persuaded by him to fully explore what is behind the practice of yoga. She traveled to Sandeepany Sadhanalya in Mumbai where, under the brilliant tutelage of Pujya Swami Dayananda, Janani completed a full course of study and received certification in 1978. She has been actively and successfully teaching Vedanta classes in numerous formats ever since. Janani also serves on the Board as Member-at-Large.

SUNday, March 30, 2025, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

with Ken Frankel

Qigong consists of various ancient (and modern) Chinese practices that promote health, vitality and longevity through the engagement of body, breath, and mind. This session will be primarily experiential with some discussion of the foundational concepts, historical background, and health benefits of qigong along the way. No special athletic ability is needed and most methods may be practiced in either a seated or standing position. Wear comfortable clothing.

Ken Frankel has been practicing qigong for over twenty years and has traveled to many places in the United States and Canada to learn it. He has completed three 200-hour trainings and many briefer ones. Ken began teaching qigong classes at our lodge in 2018 and currently serves on the Board as Vice President 2.

SUNday, April 6, 2025, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“What Keeps Humanity Alive?”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (a.k.a. SAM)

Join us for discussion on the most essential part of our physical body, which gives it the necessary energy to support life, and is intimately connected to health. This subtle field allows us to be more receptive to psychic information, sense vibrations, and see paranormal energies, and it is being affected by incoming solar and planetary prana. Please turn off cell phones and bring pen and paper to save parts of the discussion that are important to you.

Wayshower SAM, author of the Lightworker’s Log Book Series, founder of SAM I AM PROductions, and administrator of couples ageless wisdom with personal experience in multiple realities. She is the Corresponding Secretary for our branch of The Theosophical Society.

SUNday, April 13, 2025, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Theosophy, An Introductory Study Course”
with Brian Burns & Mary Klemyk

Join us for meditation and a class based on John Algeo’s book, “Theosophy, An Introductory Study Course.” John, a past president of The Theosophical Society in America, geared the course for beginners and those who want a review of Theosophical topics and concepts. This month we focus on Chapter 7, Karma. Books are also available to take home and read for each participant.

Mary Klemyk is the Treasurer for the Miami-Deerfield Beach Lodge. She is a devoted student of Advaita Vedanta. Brian Burns is the author of Kwan-Yin Heart   and other books. He continues to guide and support the lodge as our President.

SUNday, April 20, 2025, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

with Ken Frankel

Qigong consists of various ancient (and modern) Chinese practices that promote health, vitality and longevity through the engagement of body, breath, and mind. This session will be primarily experiential with some discussion of the foundational concepts, historical background, and health benefits of qigong along the way. No special athletic ability is needed and most methods may be practiced in either a seated or standing position. Wear comfortable clothing.

Ken Frankel has been practicing qigong for over twenty years and has traveled to many places in the United States and Canada to learn it. He has completed three 200-hour trainings and many briefer ones. Ken began teaching qigong classes at our lodge in 2018 and currently serves on the Board as Vice President 2.

SUNday, April 27, 2025, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Shadow Dancing”
with Jane Ellen Glasser


Join us as Jane Ellen shares poems from her new collection “Shadow Dancing,” in which she will address how we need both the dark side and the light side to experience what it means to be fully human. Having recently turned eighty-years-old, she is learning to balance paradoxes, the co-existence of loss and gain, the downside and blessings of aging in a culture that worships beauty and youth. Like many elders, she cherishes and protects her solitude, a platform for spiritual work and creative endeavors. And, as is customary in all of her books, she explores human nature as enriched and transformed through the lens of the natural world.

Jane Ellen has been writing poetry since she was a teenager, and literary journals and anthologies have featured over 300 poems. She co-founded the nonprofit arts organization and journal New Virginia Review, won the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry for her collection “Light Persists,” and Poetica Publishing Company Chapbook Contest for the “The Long Life.” Book previews and access to her most recent collections are available at:

There is no charge for any of our programs. We operate entirely by donations to balance giving and receiving and to continue our work of spreading the message of theosophy. All donations are tax deductible under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c) (3).

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…” Hebrews 10:25

In-person gatherings assist us in recognizing our humanness, in voicing our needs and coming together in energetic ways that technological ways do not.

Theosophical Society Mission Statement: “To serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual self-transformation, and the unity of all life.”

If you are already a member of the Theosophical Society in America, you can join our lodge. Financial assistance for any membership fees may be available upon request.

There is no charge for any of our programs. We operate entirely by donations to balance giving and receiving and to continue our work of spreading the message of theosophy. All donations are tax deductible under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c) (3).

Connect via the website if there’s something your soul would care to share.

Support your Spiritual Truths!

Click Here For Information on Becoming a National Member!

We do appreciate all contributions. If you wish to donate, please do so by mailing your donation to:

The Theosophical Society
3907 N. Federal Highway
PO Box #151
Pompano Beach, FL 33064

“To live to benefit mankind is the first step.” ~ H. P. B.

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Check out the Online School of Theosophy (OST)!
Registration with the school is free and you can enjoy free on demand courses with discussion topics, quizzes, and suggestions for further reading.

Visit for T.S.A. Thursday night streamed programs.

For webinars and other theosophical teachings visit: AND

Additional Resources

A focus on heart-centered neutrality serves us best at this unprecedented time! Feel free to take a mini-vacation away from stress! Click Here To Find Meditation Tools